The Treasuries of Isabel, Beatriz, Elisenda and Leonor. The Art Patronage of Some Queens of Portugal and Aragón in the 13th and 14th Centuries.

Ana Maria Seabra de Almeida Rodrigues, Universidade de Lisboa ,

Not much work has been done on the art patronage of the queens of Portugal in the Middle Ages. Yet we dispose of abundant material for the study of the treasuries of Queens Isabel (of Aragón, 1269?-1336) and Beatriz (of Castile, 1293-1359) and their respective husbands, the Kings of Portugal Dinis (1278-1325) and Afonso IV (1325-1347), and also of the monasteries they founded to house their mortal remains. In this paper, we will therefore compare the patronage of these queens and kings, along with the composition of their treasuries, in order to see the extent to which they were gender-determined. To perceive if there were regional and/or “national” differences, the comparison will be extended to the patronage and foundations of Elisenda (de Montcada, 1290?-1364) and Leonor (of Portugal, 1328-1348), queens of Aragón in the same period for whom there is the same kind of source material.